Tall Artificial Privacy Hedge: Ultimate Guide for Privacy Seekers

Need a quiet, private outdoor space to enjoy relaxation time with your family? Tall artificial privacy hedges are a perfect choice. For privacy without sacrificing aesthetics and to provide you with an elegant yard seating area, landscape with fake hedges at home.

If you’re ready to find out more about tall artificial privacy hedge for landscape utility, read on!

What Is Tall Artificial Privacy Hedge?

Tall Artificial Privacy Hedges are over 4ft in height and are made from high-quality materials with realistic foliage and closely resemble the texture, color, and shape of natural boxwood.

Unlike traditional hedges, instant privacy without waiting for natural growth. Typically used to create privacy barriers in outdoor spaces such as garden, terrace, balcony or patio, and curb.

Why Is Tall Artificial Privacy Hedge in Style?

Compared to small artificial hedges, tall artificial hedges are more effective at blocking views and providing better privacy from outside prying eyes.

Outdoors, tall artificial privacy hedge with high-density structure can provide little wind protection.

Especially on roadsides, decks or stairs, etc., tall faux hedges can outline site borders more clearly.

Artigwall® Tall Artificial Privacy Hedge

You can create small artificial gardens and privacy areas in large spaces with our imitation hedges in planter. With free-shipping for fast delivery, and 3-year warranty on all artificial hedging, Artigwall is a company you can trust.

  • Available in a variety of heights (5.3 ft, 6.5 ft and 8 ft).
  • UV-protected, resistant to sun, wind, snow and rain.
  • Stainless steel frame material, powder coated stainless steel planter box.
  • 4 layers of leaves, transmittance<5%.
  • 6 lbs fresh high-density pe (hdpe) material per square meter.
  • Easy to install, no specialized skills needed.
  • Initial investment higher than natural hedges, but cost-effective over time.

Benefits of Tall Artificial Privacy Hedges

Popular for garden privacy and landscaping, tall artificial boxwood hedges are ideal for anyone looking for a low-maintenance solution.

Tall artificial privacy hedges are very durable without any planting problems. Need no watering, pruning, or fertilizing, not get sick for they aren't well cared for, nor will they wilt due to seasonal changes.

Stay lush looking all year round without any effort on your part.

artificial boxwood hedge with planter box outdoor

Instant Effect

Tall Artificial Privacy Hedge with stainless steel frame covered on 5 sides with boxwood, evergreen realistic foliage, neatly trimmed to bring life to an otherwise boring space.

Instantly transform a space by simply placing it as a green barrier to protect your garden, balcony, or patio from prying eyes.

excellent weathering-resistance boxwood foliage material

Minimal Maintenance

People are eager for green plants to enhance the beauty of the environment. However, green plant maintenance is troublesome and takes months or even years to grow or mature. Water, nutrients, light, pests, environment, soil, etc. may prevent green plants from growing.

Tall artificial privacy hedge will help you say goodbye to these worries, no waiting or maintenance, no watering, pruning or fertilizing, and UV resistance to maintain vibrant colors in the sun all year round.

artificial boxwood hedge in planter for balcony privacy screen

Aesthetic Appeal

Tall artificial privacy hedges not only provide isolation and screening but also add natural beauty to your living or working environment. Evergreen throughout the seasons, even winter withered doesn't affect its bloom.

Artificial hedge in trough dress up a blank wall or fence, to add greenery and neatness to an otherwise monotonous space. Faux boxwood hedges visually a landscape of green plants and enhance the comfortable living environment for lacking greenery in patios and backyards.

Vertical green panels maximize limited space into richer and more vibrant with restricted space or dimly lit corners, making small areas seem larger rather than cramped.

artificial hedge for terrace outdoor

Versatile Solutions for Any Space

Whether a small balcony or an expansive backyard, tall artificial privacy hedges will suit your needs. The lush exterior blends seamlessly into your outdoor environment, instantly creating a serene lounge area.

As well as being aesthetically pleasing, imitation hedges in planters are very useful in creating borders. Both as a clear privacy barrier and as a natural decorative element to enliven the outdoor space.

How to Prevent Tall Artificial Privacy Hedge from Fading Outdoors?

The main reason why artificial hedges fade outdoors is that of prolonged exposure to sunlight and harsh weather conditions.

UV rays can damage the molecular structure of dyes or pigments, making plants look dull and lifeless.

Rain, wind and extreme temperatures can also wear down artificial materials, making the plastic brittle, discolored and even cracked, reducing its life and durability.

Even under the right conditions, the color of faux hedges can gradually change after prolonged use.

Why is UV protection important? To protect tall artificial privacy hedges from the harmful effects of UV rays. A hedge can quickly fade, discolor and deteriorate without proper protection, resulting in a shorter lifespan and color vibrancy.

  • Recommended to choose high-quality tall artificial privacy hedge designed for outdoor use that require only simple cleaning and maintenance.
  • Regularly spray or apply anti-UV agent to form a protective film to effectively withstand ultraviolet rays.
  • Consider the shading around the location of the artificial hedge, as far as possible, so that the hedge away from long-term direct sunlight.
  • In extreme sun exposure, use an outdoor cover or move to a shady area.
  • Best-In-Class Limited Warranties

    Every Artigwall product comes with an industry-leading promise to withstand years of memory.

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